Latif Ladid

Latif Ladid, Chair of the 5G World Alliance

What are your thoughts on 5G, its requirement and services deployed over the network?


We are indeed in the middle of clearly defining the holistic 5G Requirements within the ETSI IP6 Industry Specification Group (ISG) that I chair:

We expect this work to take into consideration the many requirements published by liaison initiatives to this ETSI ISG. Expect a draft version by June 2016.

2)       How do you plan on improving network capacity by 2017 and what are your thoughts on IoT service demands?

It’s too early to speculate on network capacity as many elements are not yet defines, i.e. spectrum and the technologies to be associated to.

3)       How realistic is the ‘connect generation’ and how are carriers are working towards this?

There are always early adopters that pioneer trials and use major events to make the case for 5G. some joint initiatives between some vendors and Mobile operators in japan and South Korea are in the planning.

4)       What do you see as being the most important new technology launched by 2017? Why? How will this impact the network?

The combination of many technologies to work efficiently for more agile and scalable networking, combining IPv6, SDN-NFV, Cloud Computing and IoT in 5G networks trials. The need for innovative use cases in areas like Tactile Internet and some obvious verticals

The prime vision is that all of these technologies should be hidden from the end-user and be totally user transparent allowing a richer and empowering experience for the end user but a business meaningful service for the verticals.

5)  What will be your key message at the 5G Forum USA 2016?

The impactful lead of the US of IPv6-based 4G deployment might be a strong signal that the US will take a serious leadership in 5G realistic deployment pioneering needed best practices for the rest of the world.

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